The AJC Solution
Sustainable Planning
Economic Development Strategy
Governments with sound economic development strategies will experience new business formations, employment growth, increased gross domestic production, industrial innovation, influx of private capital and growth in tax collections.
AJC Solutions can create a market based strategy that identifies priority development geographies, targeted industries, real estate development capacities and financial incentive strategies that will help communities prosper.
Urban Land Use Planning
Government land use planning must gain community consensus on land use types and balance those public expectations with the market demand for real estate development. Ineffective planning can lead to unsustainable development.
AJC Solutions can manage the public engagement process, technical development, environmental assessment and regulatory approval processes of community based land use plans.
Infrastructure Funding
Governments always have more infrastructure needs compared to available resources. This situation requires governments to have an innovative and creative approach or they will fall behind on critical infrastructure.
AJC Solutions provides a robust approach to creating successful infrastructure investment strategies. The process begins with an initial infrastructure audit, review existing infrastructure plans and identification of priority development areas. These priority development areas are critical to attract private sector investment. After identifying the public needs and private sector investment opportunity, AJC Solutions provides a detailed program to create a public private partnership for an Infrastructure Investment Strategy.